Saturday, July 21, 2012

Employee of the week, idea of the week

Jackson wins employee of the week! He just is all over - he truly is the Jack of all trades! And he has much patience and many smiles. He wins K5,000 in talk time!

Austern - won rather a crazy prize from our saluala box - but I think its a dress for his mom! He has a nice family and they've obviously brought Austern up to be respectful, very kind and serious about work. His great idea this week was to fix the boiler! Its a fire hazard and it truly needs work! And it's been a well known idea and now its a great, well known idea!

Every week employees come up with many ideas on how to make their work more meaningful, improved and better for the babies. Great ideas are generated from within! Like - how can we keep baby sox together when in laundry? Wow....who doesn't lose sox in the laundry? And even though we came up with a great idea for keeping sox seems babies still wear mis-matched soxevery day! Oh keeps us on our toes (pun...) At least they have sox on!

Now...I 'll need to get a picture of Austern's mom wearing her new dress.

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RE:Socks new design

Dear manager, I hope you have an amazing day! This is Forrest from Professional sock production factory. Our as a leading manufacturer...