Friday, July 13, 2012

Cornolius - almost there

Cornolius was born in November 2011 - making him 7 months. In May, he and the other Kasensa babies were assessed for hearing, speech and developmental milestones by the Harding College Speech Pathology students. Thank-you Harding College and please drop in anytime you're in town!

Cornolius is doing fair! His May assessment revealed that he has good neck and truck control and strength, appropriate eye contact and tracking, good hearing, he likes oral stimulation - and he constantly babbles, blows bubbles, smiles and can laugh out loud.

And 6 weeks later - he sits well, can roll and is getting ready to crawl. He can reach for objects out of his reach and although he lands flat on his little face, he's not overly concerned and will do this over and over. He is mastering his pincer grabs - and moves objects from one hand to another, he notices when you take a toy and move it behind him - like an owl he tracks the hidden object.

The aunties have been instructed to have him further practice his tracking using bubbles and whatever. And to continually talk to him so he talks back and also to assist him to standing position - which he really loves.

He is a bright little button!

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