Saturday, September 27, 2008

This Week in Zambia

On Monday our friends, Jean Webster and Nomazulu left us to return to Zimbabwe. We had four wonderful days together discussing many aspects of God’s work and in particular the ZOE model of orphan care. The Siabalumbi community is excited about the prospect of being able to implement some of what Jean and Noma shared with us.

Please continue to pray for Jean and Noma and the ZOE work both in Zimbabwe and in Zambia as it has much potential for improving the lives of orphans and vulnerable children.

Tuesday we headed to Katungu to check on the progress of the second 1 x 3 classroom building. Below is a picture (ed: I'll include the picture when I get it!) of Mr. Daka and Patrick finishing the floor in one of the three classrooms. Mr. Daka is a very focused worker and does very good work—but because he is good, he has many jobs so work moves along slowly. We are grateful for his craftsmanship and have been trying on many occasions to encourage him in his spiritual walk.

Wednesday we were baking in the sun (+35 in the shade!) at Siabalumbi as we inspected their second 1 x 3. The building still requires some work in order for it to be completed. We are trying to assist the headmasters both at Katungu and Siabalumbi with getting their schools up to government standards so their students can write their grade 7 exams at their own schools about a month from now.

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