Saturday, September 7, 2013

Riffan's baptism

Last Sunday after church Riffan was baptized in the water reservoir in the garden - not far from the church. Reffan is Joyce's son. Joyce was one of the baby caregivers until a few months ago when she moved closer to her parents.

The reservoir wall is about 7 feet tall - all sizes of folks crowded the rim of the brick wall to participate in welcoming Riffan into the family of God!

FYI - the reservoir was cleaned the day before - b/c it was time, not knowing about the upcoming baptism. It still appears a bit green - but ....much clearer than a few days before!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If Richard Krogsgaard taught Grade 5/6 in 1982 at Grant Road elementary in Regina, please pass along this reminder of a quote from a poster he hung by my desk with my name written on it
"It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and let out all doubt".
Thank you.

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