Friday, September 27, 2013

The reading "competition"

Yesterday saw us at the Reading Competition at Nalubumba organized by the teachers at Good Hope, Siabalumbi, Nalubumba and 7Fountains Farm grade 1 and pre-school as well as Ruhtt Mbumwae. 
From each grade a reader and a writer was chosen to represent their school. Bibles were awarded to best overall readers and pencils, notebooks to the best writers. The main objective was to leave all who attended (the whole school population at Nalubumba) and the contestants and teachers at the other schools) with a goal of working harder to learn to read and write! 

Following, the event the Nalubumba staff fed all those who had travelled with a nice lunch! (at 16 hrs!)

Learning to read and write in English is essential for many reasons - especially in being able to do well in the government exams which take place soon for the grade 7's, 9's and 12's. 

So....good work Mrs. M and all the pupils. 

These schools have all been assisted by ZMF-C donors - so good work on you as well and may God continue to bless the hard work of every one involved. 
Tracy Tembo receives her prize! 
All for HIS glory! 

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