Saturday, December 20, 2008

Anna Kanana

It’s almost Christmas!

Each year a certain donor always sends a gift to granny Anna Kanana. She is a muchembele (old woman) who has responsibility for many grandchildren, one of them is Susan—one of our former sponsored students. Most of her own children have died, so Anna has done what any decent granny would do, cared for them, even though she has no source of income. She regularly comes to visit me, and after tea and buns , I send her on her way with some mealie meal, kapenta or beans. She also visits the Kasiyas, our neighbours and fellow ZMF-C workers, and receives vegetables from their garden. She is always grateful and always thanks me with every Tonga word of thanks! She knows only a couple of English words, but for the most part we communicate just fine! Smiles, hugs, tea, rubbing of the tummy indicating hunger, not too hard to understand!This year I gave her the kwacha instead of purchasing groceries. She liked this idea because she said she might buy some fertilizer for her maize field as well as the groceries. So, family in Regina who donates to this woman and her family: thanks a bunch from Anna Kanana and may God continue to bless you.

James 1:27 Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress Twalumba maninge!

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